The Western Suburbs Clayworkers in Brisbane emerged after a group of TAFE ceramic students from the Southbank Institute, discussed the benefits of belonging to a pottery group where members could network, assist, and guide one another to achieve satisfying outcomes. After a series of fortuitous circumstances, the Sherwood Neighbourhood Centre permitted two people to join them as volunteers and to then instigate a group for ceramic artists, and like-minded people who have a passion for creating with clay.
In January 2005 a meeting of interested people elected a committee to set up and organise the group. During the last six months, members have participated in many mini workshops, a raku firing, outings to galleries and regional pottery groups, and, enjoyed the friendship and stimulation of exchanges in ideas and experiences. Already we have 27 members and their enthusiasm and excitement shows we are filling a void in the Brisbane area.
The Clayworkers continue to foster the clay arts with ongoing workshops and updates to equipment and knowledge.
WSC will be at the BVAC Pop-ups in 2025,
in the Auditorium at the Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens. Note the date:
And we will be at the BVAC Open Weekend, demonstrating again with hand building and wheel work.
Based in Sherwood, Brisbane, Australia, a band of keen practitioners of the clay arts - pottery and ceramics.
Studio available to members - sculpture, functional ware, other styles of ceramic art, kilns, wheels, slab roller and lots of friendly help and advice.
Hours are dependent on availability and on a minimum of 2 members in attendance
- at least one preferrably being a registered volunteer..
2 member rule applies for workplace health and safety.